The Energy Glossary is a continuously updated resource covering all key terms related to the energy industry, including technology, project execution, and industry-specific concepts. It provides clear definitions and insights to support professionals across various energy sectors.
- Accelerated Scheduling
- Acceleration Plan
- Acid Gas Disposal
- Acid Gas Injection
- Acid Gas Recovery (SRU)
- Acid Gas Removal
- Activity Delay
- Activity Duration
- Activity Interdependencies
- Activity-Level Schedule
- Acts of God Clause
- Adaptive Scheduling
- Adsorption Drying
- Advanced Drilling Technologies
- Advanced Energy Storage Systems
- Advanced Grid Computing
- Advanced Nuclear Reactors (SMRs)
- Advanced Power Electronics (FACTS)
- Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
- Agile Construction
- Agri-Solar
- Agrivoltaics
- AI-Driven Estimating
- AI-Driven Grid Management
- AI-Driven Procurement
- AI-Powered Grid Control
- AI-Powered Maintenance
- Air Energy Storage (CAES)
- Algorithmic Cost Modeling
- Alliance Contracting
- Alliance Contracting
- Alliance Contracting
- Alliance Contracting (IPD)
- Amine Gas Treating
- Amine Treating
- Ammonia as a Hydrogen Carrier
- Ammonia-Based Hydrogen Storage
- Analogous Estimating
- Analytics-Driven Management
- Approved Project Timeline
- Arbitration Clauses
- Artificial Intelligence in Energy Infrastructure
- As-Built Schedule
- Automated Procurement
- Autonomous Energy System
- Autonomous Inverter
- Ballpark Figure
- Bar Chart Schedule
- Baseline Schedule
- Baseline Schedule
- Baseline Schedule Comparison
- Basic Engineering (FEED)
- Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
- Battery Storage (BESS)
- Benchmarking
- Benchmarking in Estimating
- Bid Estimate
- Biomethane Production (RNG)
- Black Start Capability
- Black Swan Events
- Blended Construction Approach
- Blue Hydrogen
- Bottom-Up Estimating
- Bow-Tie Analysis
- Budgetary Estimate
- Budget Clarity
- Budget Control
- Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) (PV)
- Budget Estimate
- Budget Estimation
- Budget Overruns
- Budget Performance Index
- Budget Recovery Rate (TCPI)
- Buffer-Based Scheduling
- Buildability
- Buildability Assessment
- Buildability Focus
- Building Energy Management System (BEMS) (EMS)
- Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
- Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) (PPP)
- Candor
- Capacity Factor
- Capacity Market
- Capacity Utilization Rate
- Capital Cost Planning
- Capital Investment Analysis
- Capital Project Risk Assessment
- Capital Structuring for FID
- Carbon Capture
- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Carbon Costing
- Carbon Neutrality
- Carbon Pricing
- Carbon Reduction
- Carbon Reduction
- Carbon Reduction
- Carbon Removal
- Carbon Sequestration (CCS)
- Cash Price
- Catch-Up Schedule
- Cause-Effect Analysis
- CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)
- Certainty Index (ECL)
- Change Advisory Board
- Change Control Board
- Change Management Committee
- Change Management Process
- Change Management Process
- Change Order (CO)
- Clarity
- Class 1 Estimate
- Class 2 Estimate
- Class 3 Estimate
- Class 4 Estimate
- Class 5 Estimate
- Claus Process (SRU)
- Clean Energy
- Clean Energy
- Clean Energy Cashback (FIT)
- Clean Energy Integration
- Clean Energy Transformation
- Clean Energy Transition
- Clean Hydrogen
- Climate Action
- Climate Change Mitigation
- Climate Mitigation
- Climate Neutrality
- CM at Risk (CMAR)
- CO
- CO₂ Capture and Sequestration (CCS)
- CO₂ Sequestration
- CO₂ Sequestration
- Cogeneration (CHP)
- Cold Storage
- Cold Storage
- Collaboration
- Collaborative Contracting
- Collaborative Contracting
- Collaborative Contracting
- Collaborative Delivery Method (IPD)
- Collaborative Design-Build (PDB)
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
- Commissioning & Testing Requirements
- Commissioning and Startup (CSU)
- Communication Plan
- Communication Strategy
- Community Acceptance (SLO)
- Community Solar Billing (VNM)
- Comparative Estimating
- Comparative Estimating
- Completed Scope Value (EV)
- Completion Rate
- Completion Timeframe
- Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
- Compression System
- Conceptual Estimate
- Conceptual Estimating
- Concession Agreement (PPP)
- Concession Model (BOT)
- Concurrent Execution
- Condensate Processing
- Condensates (NGLs)
- Condensate Stabilization
- Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution in Projects
- Consensus Building
- Consensus Building
- Constraint-Driven Planning
- Constructability
- Constructability Review
- Construction-Driven Design
- Construction-Driven Planning
- Construction Expense Oversight
- Construction Feasibility
- Construction Feasibility Study
- Construction-Focused Execution
- Construction Logistics
- Construction Management at Risk (EPCM)
- Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR)
- Construction Optimization
- Construction Performance Indicators
- Construction Phase
- Construction Price Inflation
- Construction Resource Management
- Construction Work Packages (CWP)
- Construction Work Packaging (AWP)
- Consumption Analysis
- Containerized Construction
- Contingency Allowance
- Contingency Fund
- Contingency Planning
- Contingency Planning
- Contingency Reserve
- Contingency Reserves
- Continuous Improvement
- Continuous Improvement in Construction
- Contract Amendment (CO)
- Contractual Excuse
- Contractual Mediation
- Contractual Payment Stages
- Contractual Penalties (LDs)
- Control Estimate
- Control-Level Schedule
- Conventional Fuels
- Cooperation
- Corporate PPA (PPA)
- Corporate Project Management
- Cost Benchmarking
- Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost Contingency
- Cost Control
- Cost Efficiency Ratio
- Cost Escalation
- Cost Estimate Classification System
- Cost Estimation
- Cost Forecasting
- Cost Forecasting
- Cost Growth
- Cost Indexing
- Cost Management
- Cost Optimization (VE)
- Cost Pass-Through Clauses
- Cost Performance Benchmarking
- Cost Performance Index
- Cost per Megawatt-Hour (MWh) (LCOE)
- Cost-Plus Contract
- Cost-Plus Contract (T&M)
- Cost-Plus with Guaranteed Maximum (GMP)
- Cost Reduction Study
- Cost-Reimbursable Contract
- Cost-Saving Proposal (VECP)
- Cost-Schedule Integration (EVM)
- Cost Transparency
- Critical Chain
- Critical Path
- Critical Path
- Critical Path Method (CPM)
- Critical Task
- Cross-Functional Team
- Cryogenic Hydrogen (LH₂)
- Cryogenic Hydrogen
- Cryogenic Processing
- Cryogenic Storage
- Cryopreservation
- Current Market Price
- Customized Approach
- Cyber-Physical Model
- Cyber-Resilient Energy Systems
- Cybersecurity in Energy Systems
- Data-Driven Algorithms (ML)
- Data-Driven Decision Making
- Data-Driven Estimating
- Data-Driven Estimating
- Data-Driven Forecasting
- Data-Driven Forecasting
- Data-Driven Forecasting
- Data-Driven Risk Analysis
- DB
- Deadline Task Completion (LF)
- Decarbonization
- Decarbonization
- Decarbonization Shift
- Decentralized Energy
- Decentralized Energy Aggregation (VPP)
- Decentralized Energy Systems (DER)
- Decentralized Microgrid
- Deepwater Wind Turbines
- Definitive Estimate
- Dehydration
- Delay Damages (LDs)
- Delayed Start (LS)
- Deliverable Breakdown (WBS)
- Deliverable Completion
- Demand Flexibility
- Demand Response
- Demand-Side Flexible Building (GEB)
- Demand-Side Management (EMS)
- Demand Utilization Rate
- Dependencies
- DER Network (VPP)
- Desiccant Dehydration
- Design-Bid-Build (DBB)
- Design-Build (DB)
- Design-Build
- Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO) (EPC)
- Design Optimization
- Detailed Design
- Detailed Estimating
- Detailed Schedule
- Dewpoint Control
- Digital Cost Modeling
- Digital Grid
- Digital Infrastructure Protection
- Digital Planning System
- Digital Power Grid
- Digital Replica
- Digital Sourcing
- Digital Twin
- Directional Drilling
- Dispute Resolution
- Dispute Resolution
- Distillation
- Distillation Column
- Distributed Energy Efficiency (CHP)
- Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
- Distributed Energy System
- Distributed Energy Systems
- Distributed Generation
- Downstream
- Dual-Use Solar
- Dynamic Grid Inverter
- Dynamic Grid Stabilization (FACTS)
- Dynamic Pricing (TOU)
- Dynamic Project Estimation
- EaaS
- Early Project Planning (FEL)
- Early-Stage Project Development (FEP)
- Earned Schedule (ES)
- Earned Value (EV)
- Earned Value Management (EVM)
- Earned Value Schedule Tracking (SPI)
- Earth Heat Energy
- Economic Cost Growth
- Economic Evaluation (CBA)
- Economic Price Forecasting
- Economic Volatility
- Eco-Tech
- Electrical Grid Balance
- Electrical Load Efficiency
- Electricity Capacity Procurement
- Electricity Purchase Agreement (PPA)
- Electric Transition
- Electrification
- Electrochemical Capacitor
- Electrochemical Storage (BESS)
- Electrolysis
- Electrolysis
- Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator
- Emergency Power Restart
- Emergency Response Planning
- Emissions Reduction
- Emission Taxation
- End-to-End Project Delivery
- Energy-Adaptive Buildings (GEB)
- Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS)
- Energy Audit
- Energy Conservation
- Energy Cost Benchmark (LCOE)
- Energy Density
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency Assessment
- Energy Electrification
- Energy Equity
- Energy Governance
- Energy Infrastructure
- Energy Justice
- Energy Management Standard
- Energy Management System (EMS)
- Energy Mix
- Energy Offtake Agreement (PPA)
- Energy Optimization
- Energy Performance Review
- Energy Policy
- Energy Portfolio
- Energy Regulation
- Energy Reservoirs
- Energy Resource Allocation
- Energy Shift
- Energy Storage (ESS)
- Energy Subscription Model (EaaS)
- Energy Supply Chain
- Energy Transition
- Engineering Change Request (VECP)
- Engineering Design
- Engineering Efficiency
- Engineering Optimization
- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC)
- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contract (EPC)
- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM)
- Enhanced Drilling Techniques
- EPC Advisory (EPCM)
- Equipment Skids
- Equipment Usage Ratio
- Equipment Utilization
- ES
- Escalation Clauses
- Escalation Forecasting
- Essential Task
- Estimate Accuracy (ECL)
- Estimate at Completion (EAC)
- Estimate Classification
- Estimate Confidence Level (ECL)
- Estimate to Complete (ETC)
- Estimating Maturity Levels
- Estimation Metrics Evaluation
- EV
- Evidence-Based Decision Making
- Execution Estimate
- Execution-First Approach
- Execution Period
- Execution Period
- Execution Phase
- Execution Planning
- Execution Risk
- Execution Schedule
- Expected Progress Value (PV)
- Expedited Scheduling
- Expenditure Control Measure
- Expenditure Projection
- Expenditure Projection
- Exploration and Production (E&P) Sector
- Extreme Risk Events
- Facility Startup Process (CSU)
- Fair Energy Transition
- Fast-Tracking
- Feasibility Analysis
- Feasibility Estimate
- Feasibility Study
- Feed-in Tariff (FIT)
- FID Readiness Assessment
- FID-Stage Financing & Investment Structures
- FID-Stage Risk Management
- Field-Constructed vs. Prefabricated
- Field Execution Plan
- Final Cost Estimate (EAC)
- Final Design
- Final Investment Decision (FID)
- Finalization Phase
- Financial Disclosure
- Financial Estimating
- Financial Feasibility Study (CBA)
- Financial Feasibility Study
- Financial Forecasting
- Financial Forecasting
- Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
- Fit-for-Purpose
- Fixed-Price Contract
- Fixed-Price Turnkey Contract (LSTK)
- Flare Gas Recovery
- Flare Gas Utilization
- Flash Gas Recovery
- Flawed Data Analysis
- Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
- Flexible Task Sequence
- Float
- Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
- Floating Wind Farms
- Float Path
- Flow Battery
- Flywheel Energy Storage
- Flywheel Storage
- Force Majeure Clause
- Forecasted Completion Budget (PV)
- Forecasted Completion Cost (ETC)
- Forecasted Total Budget (EAC)
- Forecasting
- Fossil Fuel Hydrocarbons
- Fossil Fuels
- Fractionating Column
- Fractionation
- Free Float
- Frequency Balancing
- Frequency Regulation (ESS)
- Frequency Regulation
- Front-End Engineering Design (FEED)
- Front-End Loading (FEL)
- Front-End Loading (FEL) (FEP)
- Front-End Planning (FEP)
- Front-End Planning (FEP) (FEL)
- Fuel Cell
- Fuel Cell
- Fuel Energy Capacity
- Full-Cycle Generation Cost (LCOE)
- Full-Scope Completion
- Full-Scope EPC
- Full-Service Contracting (EPC)
- Fully Modular Buildings
- Functional Analysis
- Function Analysis
- Function Evaluation
- Function-Oriented Cost Reduction (VE)
- Funding Estimate
- Future Cost Projection
- Gantt Chart
- Gas Boosting
- Gas Cavern Storage
- Gas Compression
- Gas Conditioning
- Gas Cooling Effect
- Gas Drying
- Gas Purification
- Gas Purification
- Gas Purification
- Gas Recapture
- Gas Recompression
- Gas Reinjection
- Gas Stabilization
- Gas Sweetening
- Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Conversion
- Gas Treatment
- Geothermal Energy
- Geothermal Power
- Global Warming Prevention
- Go/No-Go Criteria
- Go/No-Go Decision (FID)
- Governance Framework
- Government Relations
- Grassroots Estimating
- Gravity Storage (PHS)
- Green Energy
- Green Energy
- Green Grid Adaptation
- Greenhouse Gas Pricing
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction
- Green Hydrogen
- Green Hydrogen
- Green Hydrogen Production
- Green Hydrogen Production
- Green Technology
- Grid-Forming Inverter
- Grid Frequency Control
- Grid Frequency Regulation
- Grid-Interactive Efficient Building (GEB)
- Grid Reboot System
- Grid Reliability
- Grid Reliability
- Grid Resilience
- Grid Stability
- Grid Stability
- Grid Stability Mechanism
- Grid Storage (ESS)
- Grid-Tied Solar Credit
- Grid Voltage Control (FACTS)
- GTL Technology
- Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract (GMP)
- Guaranteed Purchase Contract
- H₂ Environmental Impact Assessment
- H₂-Natural Gas Mixture
- H₂ Pipelines
- H₂ Pressurization
- H₂ Storage
- Hazard Evaluation
- Heat Storage
- Heavy Load Transport
- Heavy Metal Removal
- High-Density Batteries
- High-Efficiency Power Transfer
- High-Impact Uncertainties
- High-Level Roadmap
- High-Power Capacitor
- High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission
- Historical Benchmarking
- Historical Data Analysis
- Historical Estimating
- Horizontal Drilling
- Hybrid Modular Construction
- Hydrocarbon Dewpoint Control
- Hydrocarbon Energy
- Hydrocarbon Fractionation
- Hydrocarbon Removal
- Hydrocarbons
- Hydrocracking
- Hydrogen-Based Economy
- Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas Pipelines
- Hydrogen Carbon Footprint Assessment
- Hydrogen Carrier Ammonia
- Hydrogen Carrier Molecules
- Hydrogen Compression
- Hydrogen Cracking
- Hydrogen Distribution
- Hydrogen Distribution System
- Hydrogen Economy
- Hydrogen Electrolysis
- Hydrogen Electrolysis
- Hydrogen Electrolyzers
- Hydrogen Energy
- Hydrogen Energy Storage
- Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems
- Hydrogen Fuel and Green Hydrogen Production
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell
- Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure
- Hydrogen Fuel Storage
- Hydrogen Fuel Supply Chain
- Hydrogen Gas Compression
- Hydrogen Injection
- Hydrogen Lifecycle
- Hydrogen Lifecycle Emissions
- Hydrogen Liquefaction
- Hydrogen Logistics
- Hydrogen Pipeline Infrastructure
- Hydrogen Power Cell
- Hydrogen Refueling Network
- Hydrogen Storage Compounds
- Hydrogen Storage Solutions
- Hydrogen Supply Chain
- Hydrogen Transmission Network
- Hydrogen Transportation
- Hydrogen Transport Mediums
- Hydrogen Treating
- Hydrogen Value Chain
- Hydroprocessing
- Hydroprocessing
- Hydro Storage (PHS)
- Hydrotreating
- Implementation Phase
- Implementation Planning
- Inaccurate Historical Data Usage
- Incentive-Based Contract
- Inclusive Energy Access
- Incremental Planning
- Independent Energy Network
- Independent Energy Producer (IPP)
- Independent Power Producer (IPP)
- Indicative Estimate
- Industrial Decarbonization
- Industrial Emission Reduction
- Industrial Energy Efficiency Framework
- Industrial Modularization
- Industrial Quality Control
- Industry Comparison Analysis
- Inflation Adjustment
- Inflation Protection Agreements
- Inflation Risk
- Information Dissemination Plan
- Infrastructure Financing (BOT)
- Infrastructure Management
- Input-Output Impact Assessment
- Integrated Modular Assemblies
- Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
- Integrated Project Delivery (DB)
- Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
- Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
- Integrated Scheduling
- Intelligent Energy Management
- Intelligent Energy Network
- Intelligent Grid
- Intelligent Grid Systems
- Intelligent Procurement
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Interest-Influence Analysis
- Intermittent Energy Sources
- Investment Appraisal
- Investment Approval (FID)
- Investment Decision Risk Mitigation
- Investment Syndication
- Isenthalpic Expansion
- Islanded Grid
- ISO 50001
- Joint Venture Execution
- Joule-Thomson (JT) Effect
- JT Expansion
- Key Activity
- Key Event
- Key Event Schedule
- Key Task Sequence
- Kinetic Energy Storage
- Labor Distribution
- Labor Distribution Graph
- Labor Escalation Risk
- Labor Output Projections
- Labor Productivity Assumptions
- Large-Scale Prefabricated Units
- Late Finish (LF)
- Latent Heat Storage
- Latest Allowable Finish (LF)
- Latest Allowable Start (LS)
- Late Start (LS)
- LDs
- Lead and Lag
- Lean Construction Principles
- Lean Project Delivery
- Lessons Learned
- Lessons Learned Review
- Level 1 Schedule
- Level 2 Schedule
- Level 3 Schedule
- Level 4 Schedule
- Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
- LF
- LH₂
- LH₂
- Liability Transfer
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)
- Lifecycle EPC Execution
- Li-Ion Battery
- Liquefied Gas Expansion
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Processing
- Liquidated Damages (LDs)
- Liquid Battery
- Liquid H₂ (LH₂)
- Liquid H₂ Processing
- Liquid Hydrocarbons (NGLs)
- Liquid Hydrocarbon Stabilization
- Liquid Hydrogen (LH₂)
- Lithium Battery
- Lithium-Ion Battery
- LNG Production
- LNG Re-Gas
- LNG Regasification
- LNG Vaporization
- Load Factor
- Load Management
- Local Energy Grid
- Local Energy Grid
- Localized Energy System
- Localized Power Generation (DER)
- Local Schedule Buffer
- Logic Constraints
- Logistics Challenges
- Logistics Coordination
- Long-Distance DC Transmission
- Long-Term Cost Estimating
- Look-Ahead Schedule
- Low-Carbon Energy Economy
- Low-Carbon Hydrogen
- Low-Carbon Hydrogen Production
- Low-Carbon Industrial Transformation
- Low-Carbon Transition
- Low-Loss Energy Transport
- LS
- Lump Sum Contract
- Lump Sum Contract (LSTK)
- Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK)
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Machine Learning for Energy
- Machine Learning in Energy
- Managed Energy Solutions (EaaS)
- Mandatory Task Flow
- Market Instability
- Market Volatility
- Master Schedule
- Master Schedule
- Master Summary Schedule
- Maximum Task Duration (LF)
- Measurement Contract
- Mega-Modules
- Merchant Generator
- Merchant Power Plant
- Mercury Removal
- Mercury Scrubbing
- Methane Cracking
- Methane Pyrolysis for Hydrogen Production
- Microgrid
- Microreactors (SMRs)
- Mid-Level Schedule
- Midstream
- Milestone Chart
- Milestones
- Milestone Schedule
- Minimum Purchase Agreement
- Misleading Benchmarking
- ML
- Modular Construction
- Modular Construction
- Modular Construction in EPC Projects
- Modular Construction Logistics & Transportation
- Modular Execution Planning
- Modular-Integrated Construction
- Modularization
- Modularization
- Modularization Strategy
- Modular Nuclear Power (SMRs)
- Modular Pipe Racks
- Modular Skid Systems
- Moisture Removal
- Molecular Sieve Adsorption
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Monte Carlo Simulation (PRA)
- Multidisciplinary Team Approach
- Na-Ion Battery
- National Energy Strategy
- Natural Gas Liquefaction
- Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs)
- Natural Gas Processing
- Natural Gas Refining
- Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel (CNG)
- Near-Term Plan
- Negotiation Strategy
- Net Metering
- Net-Zero Emissions
- Net-Zero Strategy
- Net-Zero Transition
- Next-Generation Energy Storage
- Next-Generation Grid
- Next-Generation Grid
- Next-Gen Power Optimization
- NGLs
- NGLs
- NGL Separation
- NH₃ Fuel
- Non-Critical Path
- Non-Critical Path Float
- Non-Critical Time
- Non-Dispatchable Power
- Non-Renewable Energy
- Non-Utility Generator (NUG) (IPP)
- Not-to-Exceed Contract (GMP)
- Numerical Risk Assessment
- Off-Grid Energy Solutions
- Offshore Renewable Energy
- Off-Site Construction
- Off-Site Construction
- Off-Site Fabrication Strategy
- Offtake Agreement (PPA)
- Oil and Gas Transportation
- Oil Refinery
- On-Site Energy Resources (DER)
- On-Site vs. Off-Site Construction
- Open-Book Contract
- Open-Book Pricing
- Openness
- Operating Rate
- Operational Readiness Testing
- Optimistic Timeline Projection
- Order-of-Magnitude Estimate
- Order-of-Magnitude Estimating
- Organic Fuel Sources
- Organizational Risk Philosophy
- Outcome-Based Contract
- Outdated Cost Assumptions
- Overly Aggressive Scheduling
- Oversized Cargo Logistics
- Owner-Managed EPC (EPCM)
- Parallel Tasking
- Parametric Estimating
- Partial Prefabrication
- Partnering Agreements
- Partnership
- Pay-As-You-Go Energy (EaaS)
- Payment Milestones
- Peak Load Reduction
- Peak/Off-Peak Billing (TOU)
- PEM Fuel Cell
- Percent Complete
- Performance-Based Compensation
- Performance-Based Contract
- Performance-Based Fines (LDs)
- Performance-Based Project Monitoring (EVM)
- Performance Benchmarking
- Performance Bonds
- Performance Gap (SV)
- Performance Guarantees
- Performance Review
- Performance Testing
- Performance Tracking
- PERT Estimation
- Petroleum Logistics
- Petroleum Processing Plant
- Petroleum Products Distribution
- Phase-Based Planning
- Phased Design-Build (PDB)
- Phase-Gate Process
- Pipeline-Grade Gas
- Pipeline Hydrogen Blending
- Pipeline Quality Gas
- Planned Value (PV)
- Planned vs. Actual Analysis
- Plant Commissioning (CSU)
- Plant Factor
- Pneumatic Storage (CAES)
- Policy Compliance
- Pollution Control
- Portable Process Units
- Post-Mortem Analysis
- Postponed Task Initiation (LS)
- Power Conversion
- Power Density
- Power Efficiency
- Power Generation Mix
- Power Grid Resilience
- Power Grid Security
- Power Grid Stability
- Power Infrastructure
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
- Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
- Power Reserve Market
- Power Storage (ESS)
- Power System Recovery
- Power-to-Gas
- Power-to-Hydrogen Systems
- Pre-Assembled Facility Modules
- Pre-Assembled Pipe Racks
- Pre-Assembled Units (PAUs)
- Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning
- Pre-Commitment Risk Analysis
- Predecessor-Successor Logic
- Predictive Estimating
- Predictive Estimating
- Predictive Forecasting
- Predictive Maintenance in Energy Systems
- Predictive Modeling (ML)
- Prefabricated Module Shipping
- Prefabricated Piping Systems
- Prefabrication
- Prefabrication
- Prefabrication
- Pre-FID Evaluation
- Preliminary Engineering (FEED)
- Preliminary Estimate
- Preliminary Estimate
- Preliminary Estimating
- Preliminary Feasibility Assessment
- Pre-Operational Inspection
- Pre-Project Planning (FEP)
- Pre-Project Planning (PPP) (FEL)
- Pressure Enhancement
- Price Adjustment Clauses
- Price Fluctuations
- Price Indexing
- Price Inflation
- Price Trend Forecasting
- Proactive Equipment Monitoring
- Probabilistic Cost Estimation
- Probabilistic Modeling
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
- Probability and Impact Matrix
- Probability Simulation
- Process Optimization
- Process Quality Assurance
- Procurement & Distribution Management
- Procurement Risk
- Procurement Risks
- Procurement Strategy
- Product Quality Management
- Progress-Based Payments
- Progressed Work Budget (EV)
- Progressive Design-Build (PDB)
- Progress Measurement
- Progress Percentage
- Project Acceleration
- Project Authorization
- Project Benchmark
- Project Bottleneck
- Project Change Board
- Project Change Control
- Project Change Control
- Project Charter
- Project Closeout
- Project Completion Process
- Project Complexity
- Project Cost Analytics
- Project Cost Forecasting
- Project Delay Forecasting
- Project Drift
- Project Duration Forecast (ES)
- Project Execution
- Project Execution
- Project Execution Strategy
- Project Expansion
- Project Finance Strategies
- Project Forecasting
- Project Governance
- Project Initiation Document
- Project Intricacy
- Project Investment Readiness Check
- Project Management
- Project Management Software
- Project Monitoring
- Project Optimization Review
- Project Optimization Suggestion (VECP)
- Project Oversight
- Project Performance Enhancement
- Project Performance Metrics in EPC Execution
- Project Retrospective
- Project Roadmap
- Project Slack
- Project Structuring (WBS)
- Project Success Metrics
- Project Summary Schedule
- Project Timeline
- Project Timeline
- Project Timeline Analysis (CPM)
- Project Timeline Chart
- Project Timeline Integration
- Project Timeline Uncertainty
- Project Tracking Tool
- Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell
- Public Approval (SLO)
- Public Engagement
- Public-Private Partnership Contract (PPP)
- Public-Private Partnership (PPP) (BOT)
- Pumped Energy Storage (PHS)
- Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS)
- Purchasing Framework
- Purchasing Power Erosion
- Purpose-Built
- PV
- QA/QC Program
- QC
- Qualitative Assessment
- Qualitative Risk Analysis
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan
- Quality Control
- Quality Control Framework
- Quality Management Plan
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
- Quantum Computing for Energy
- Quantum Energy Solutions
- RACI Chart (RACI)
- Random Sampling Method
- Ready-to-Operate Contract
- Recovery Schedule
- Rectification Column
- Redox Flow Battery
- Refinery
- Refinery Capacity Utilization
- Refinery Utilization Rate
- Refining and Marketing Sector
- Regulatory Consultation
- Regulatory Stakeholder Engagement
- RE Integration
- Remaining Budget Estimate (ETC)
- Remaining Cost Performance Index (TCPI)
- Remaining Risk
- Remote Grid
- Remote Net Metering (VNM)
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy Contract (PPA)
- Renewable Energy Integration
- Renewable Energy Metering
- Renewable Energy Payment (FIT)
- Renewable Hydrogen
- Renewable Hydrogen Fuel
- Renewable Natural Gas Production (RNG)
- Renewables
- Required Cost Efficiency (TCPI)
- Requirement Growth
- Reserve Fund
- Residual Risk
- Residual Uncertainty
- Resource Allocation Graph
- Resource-Constrained Schedule
- Resource-Constrained Scheduling
- Resource Efficiency Rate
- Resource Histogram
- Resource-Integrated Schedule
- Resource Leveling
- Resource-Loaded Schedule
- Resource Loading
- Resource Optimization
- Resource Supply Strategy
- Resource Utilization Rate
- Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI)
- Responsibility Matrix (RACI)
- Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis (CBA)
- Risk Acceptance Threshold
- Risk-Adjusted Estimating
- Risk Allocation
- Risk Allocation
- Risk Analysis
- Risk and Contingency Planning
- Risk Appetite vs. Risk Tolerance
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Matrix
- Risk Barrier Model
- Risk-Based Construction Management (CMAR)
- Risk-Based Estimating
- Risk Buffer
- Risk Buffer
- Risk Capacity
- Risk Contingency
- Risk Control
- Risk Database
- Risk Distribution
- Risk Log
- Risk Management
- Risk Management
- Risk Management Plan
- Risk Matrix
- Risk Mitigation
- Risk Mitigation
- Risk Mitigation Plan
- Risk Mitigation Strategy
- Risk Prioritization
- Risk Probability Modeling (PRA)
- Risk Reduction Strategy
- Risk Register
- Risk Reserve
- Risk Sharing
- Risk-Sharing Contracting
- Risk Tracking System
- Risk Transfer Strategy
- Risk Visualization
- Rolling Wave Planning
- Rotational Storage
- Rough Cost Projection
- Rough Estimate
- Sales Gas
- Scenario Analysis
- Scenario Planning
- Schedule Adherence
- Schedule Buffer
- Schedule Buffer
- Schedule Compression
- Schedule Cushion
- Schedule Deviation (SV)
- Schedule Driver
- Schedule-Driving Task
- Schedule Efficiency Metric (SPI)
- Schedule Offset
- Schedule of Rates Contract
- Schedule Optimization (CPM)
- Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- Schedule Performance Review
- Schedule Performance Tracking (ES)
- Schedule Reserve
- Schedule Risk
- Schedule Risk Analysis
- Schedule Uncertainty Analysis
- Schedule Underestimation
- Schedule Variance (SV)
- Scheduling Margin
- Scheduling Software
- Scope Adjustment Process
- Scope Complexity
- Scope Creep
- Scope Creep
- Scope Expansion
- Scope Intricacy
- Scope Management Process
- Seasonal Gas Reserve
- Self-Synchronizing Inverter
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Sequential Contracting (DBB)
- Sequential Limitations
- Sequential Relationships
- Shared Energy Credits (VNM)
- Short-Term Schedule
- Single-Source Delivery (DB)
- Site Resource Optimization
- Site Support Systems
- Skid-Mounted Modular Units
- Skid-Mounted Systems
- Skilled Labor Pricing Volatility
- Slack
- Slack Path
- Slack Time
- Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
- Smart Asset Management
- Smart Building Grid Integration (GEB)
- Smart Energy Monitoring (EMS)
- Smart Energy Systems
- Smart Grid
- Smart Grid
- Smart Grid Power Pool (VPP)
- Smart Procurement
- SMRs
- Social License to Operate (SLO)
- Sodium Battery
- Sodium-Ion Battery
- Solar Agriculture
- Solar Farming
- Solar Net Billing
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
- Sourcing Cost Volatility
- Sourcing Plan
- Spot Market Power Plant
- Spot Price
- Stage-Gate Process
- Stakeholder Alignment
- Stakeholder Alignment
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Stakeholder Assessment
- Stakeholder Communication Framework
- Stakeholder Conflict Management
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Stakeholder Endorsement (SLO)
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Stakeholder Harmonization
- Stakeholder Involvement
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Stakeholder Participation
- Standalone Power System
- Standalone Power System
- Statistical Estimating
- Statistical Learning (ML)
- Statistical Risk Modeling
- Statistical Simulation
- Stick-Built vs. Modular Construction
- Stipulated Sum Contract
- Stochastic Analysis (PRA)
- Stochastic Modeling
- Stochastic Simulation
- Storage Efficiency
- Strategic Alliancing
- Strategic Forecasting
- Structured Work Packaging (AWP)
- Subjective Risk Evaluation
- Subsurface Gas Storage
- Subsurface Thermal Energy
- Successor Delay Margin
- Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU)
- Sulfur Removal (SRU)
- Supercapacitor Energy Storage
- Supermodules
- Supply Chain Cost Risk
- Supply Chain Disruptions
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Optimization
- Supply Chain Strategy
- Sustainability Certification
- Sustainable Energy
- Sustainable Gas Processing (RNG)
- Sustainable Innovation
- Sustainable Power
- Sustainable Technology
- SV
- Synonyms: Budget Estimation
- Synonyms: Petroleum Compounds
- System Startup
- System Validation
- Tailored Solution
- Take-or-Pay Contract
- T&M (T&M)
- T&M Contract (T&M)
- Tank Vent Gas Collection
- Task-Based Execution Planning (CWP)
- Task Breakdown (WBS)
- Task Breakdown Schedule
- Task Constraints
- Task Constraints
- Task Duration
- Task Flexibility
- Task Linkage
- Task Overlap
- Task Resourcing
- Task Slack
- Teamwork
- Technical Process Enhancement
- Temporary Construction Infrastructure
- Temporary Works
- Tender Estimate
- Thermal Energy Storage
- Thermal Methane Decomposition
- Threat Assessment
- Three-Point Estimating
- Time Allowance
- Time and Materials Contract (T&M)
- Time-Based Electricity Rates (TOU)
- Time-Based EVM (ES)
- Time Contingency
- Time Cushion
- Time Cushion
- Time Delay Risk
- Timeline Discrepancy (SV)
- Timeline Risk Assessment
- Time-of-Use Rates (TOU)
- Time Reduction Strategy
- To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI)
- Tollgate Process
- Total Cost of Ownership Analysis (LCCA)
- Total Float
- Total Project Duration
- Total Projected Expenditure (EAC)
- Traditional Delivery Method (DBB)
- Transparency
- Trend Analysis
- Triangular Distribution Method
- Turnkey Contract (EPC)
- Turnkey Delivery (EPC)
- Turnkey Obligation
- Turnkey Project Delivery
- Turnover & Handover
- Ultracapacitor
- Ultra-Low Temperature Storage
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Uncertainty-Based Forecasting
- Uncontrolled Scope Change
- Underground Natural Gas Storage
- Unforeseen Catastrophes
- Unforeseen Circumstances Provision
- Unified Scheduling Approach
- Unified Vision
- Unit Price Contract
- Unmitigated Risk
- Unrealistic Schedule Estimates
- Unstable Energy Sources
- Upstream
- Utility Corridor Modules
- Utility Grid
- Value Analysis (VE)
- Value Engineering (VE)
- Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECP)
- Value Engineering Study
- Value of Work Performed (EV)
- Vanadium Flow Battery
- Vapor Recovery
- Vapor Recovery
- Variable Renewable Energy (VRE)
- Variance Tracking
- Variation Order (CO)
- VE
- Vendor and Supply Chain Risks
- Vendor Price Fluctuation
- VE Workshop
- Virtual Asset Simulation
- Virtual Net Metering (VNM)
- Virtual Power Plant (VPP)
- Volumetric Modular Construction
- Wage Inflation Risk
- Warranty Clauses
- Waste Gas Recovery
- Waste Heat Recovery (CHP)
- Waste-to-Gas (RNG)
- Water Electrolysis System
- Water Splitting
- Water Splitting
- Water Vapor Extraction
- What-If Analysis
- What-If Analysis
- Whole-Life Costing (LCCA)
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for Construction (CWP)
- Work Done Ratio
- Workface Planning (AWP)
- Workflow Rules
- Workforce Allocation
- Workforce & Equipment Coordination
- Workforce Chart
- Workforce Cost Escalation
- Workforce Efficiency Estimates
- Workforce Productivity
- Work-In-Progress Cost Estimate (ETC)
- Workload Balancing
- Work Package Schedule
- Work Plan Development
- Work Time Estimate
- Zero-Carbon Economy
- Zero-Float Path
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