Energy Calculators

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Energy Calculators

Our energy calculators are designed for fast and accurate calculations. Easily convert units or estimate gas and liquid volumes with tools tailored for energy applications.

Unit Conversion Calculator
The unit conversion calculator is a versatile and easy-to-use web-based tool designed to handle a wide range of unit conversions. Whether you’re working with pressure, temperature, weight, volume, length, area, or rates over time, this tool simplifies complex calculations by converting your input into all related units within the chosen category.

Gas Liquids Conversion Tool
​This conversion tool allows the user to select a common product in gas processing, input a value, and choose a unit. The tool then provides the appropriate conversions for weight, gas volume, and liquid volume.

Frac Spread Calculator
The frac spread calculator allows the user to calculate the value and energy content of natural gas liquids (NGLs) based on user inputs for prices, compositions, and natural gas values.

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